A Quick Video about how you can get started with the .NET 7 Web API Boilerplate. Watch this first!🔥
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Firstly, make sure that you have already setup your development environment that runs the prerequisite tools and SDKs. Refer Development Environment for details.
This guide will take you right from strating up your own .NET Web API Project using fullstackhero .NET WebAPI Boilerplate
package / repository to testing the API using the provided Postman/ThunderClient Collection!
To get started with this Boilerplate, here are the available options.
- Install using the
tool. Use this for release versions of the Boilerplate only. - Fork the Repository. Use this if you want to always keep your version of the Boilerplate up-to date with the latest changes.
Make sure that your DEV enviroment is setup, Read the Development Environment Guide
Prerequisites #
Before creating your first fullstackhero solution, you should ensure that your local machine has:
- .NET 7 You can find the download here.
- NodeJS (16+) You can find the download here.
Installation #
After you have installed .NET, you will need to install the fsh
console tool.
dotnet tool install --global FSH.CLI
fsh install
This install the FSH CLI tools and the associated Templates globally on your machine. You are now ready to create your first FSH project!
Do note that, at the time of writing this documentation, the latest available version is 1.0.0 which is also one of the first stable versions of the package. It is highly likely that there is already a newer version available when you are reading this.
To get the latest version of the package, visit
FullStackHero.WebAPI.Boilerplate is now in release state. You can find the latest version on
To learn more about the FSH CLI tool, read here
Forking the Repository & Creating your New Solution! #
You would probably need to take this approach if you want to keep your source code upto date with the latest changes. To get started based on this repository, you need to get a copy locally.
- Make a fork of fullstackhero’s
repository in your Github account. - Next, since you need to start your private personal project, create your new
personal project by cloning the forked repository on your personal github. This could be done as simple as running git clone{yourgithubuseraccount}/dotnet-webapi-boilerplate.git
locally on your development machine. - Setup an upstream remote on your personal project pointing to your forked repository using command
git remote add upstream{yourgithubuseraccount}/dotnet-webapi-boilerplate
and git remote set-url --push upstream DISABLE
Now, whenever there is a new update on fullstackhero’s dotnet-webapi-boilerplate
repository, you could simply pull in the latest change on your private fork of the fullstackhero’s dotnet-webapi-boilerplate
repository and later merge these changes with you personal projects.
For step by step instructions, follow this and this.
Creating your First Solution #
Note that this is not valid only if you have installed the fsh cli tool.
Now that you have installed the template locally on your machine, let’s see how you can start generating complete .NET WebAPI Solutions seamlessly.
Simply navigate to a new directory (wherever you want to place your new solution at), and open up Command Prompt at the opened directory.
Run the following command. Note that, in this demonstration I am naming my new solution as FSH.Starter
fsh api new FSH.Starter

Once that is done, your new solution is created for you. As simple as that!
Here are the folders and files created for you.

Alternatively.. #
Note that this is valid only if you have installed the NuGet package of this Boilerplate.
When you installed the NuGet package, there is also an entry that has been created into your Visual Studio Template for fullstackhero’s .NET WebAPI Boilerplate. If you find it easier to work with Visual Studio rather than CLI Commands to generate new solutions, you are free to do so.
Simply open up Visual Studio 2022 and Click on Create New Project.

Important - Make sure to check the ‘Place solution and project in same directory’ option. Else the solution and projects will be created on different folders and there will be build errors stating that few files are not found.

Another issue I noticed with creating solutions via Visual Studio is that the Solution structure might be lost. This is a very minor bug, that maybe someone can figure out and fix in our template configuration. Microsoft doesn’t seem to have very detailed guide about this.
However, it's always recommended to create new solutions via the Console.
Running the Application #
Next, open up command prompt on this directory and run the following.
code .
This opens up the solution via Visual Code. Make sure that you have the prerequisite tools and SDKs setup.
Setting up the Connection String #
Next, let’s set up some valid connection strings. Navigate to src/Host/Configurations
and open up database.json
. Here you would have to provide a valid connection string under the DatabaseSettings
to either MSSQL, MySQL or PostgreSQL instance. Below are some sample settings for each of the DB Providers.
Details on the usage of other Settings will be explained in the upcoming documentations.
By default, FSH WebAPI tempalte ships with pre-configured PostgreSQL connection strings
It is also important to update the src/Host/Configurations/hangfire.json connection string / provider as well.
PostgreSQL #
"DatabaseSettings": {
"ConnectionString": "Host=localhost;Database=rootTenantDb;Username=postgres;Password=root;Include Error Detail=true",
"DBProvider": "postgresql"
"DatabaseSettings": {
"ConnectionString": "server=localhost;uid=root;pwd=root;database=defaultRootDb;Allow User Variables=True",
"DBProvider": "mysql"
"DatabaseSettings": {
"DBProvider": "mssql",
"ConnectionString": "Data Source=(localdb)\\mssqllocaldb;Initial Catalog=rootTenantDb;Integrated Security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True"
Oracle #
"DatabaseSettings": {
"DBProvider": "oracle",
"ConnectionString": "Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST= =(SERVER=DEDICATED)(SERVICE_NAME=ORCLPDB1.localdomain)));User Id=fullstack;Password=password123"
That’s all about settings valid connection strings.
Next, let’s understand how to build & run the project!
You can definitely use the standard ways of dotnet to build and run the application using the following commands.
cd src/Host
dotnet build
dotnet run
, for a better developer experience, I have included a Makefile within this template. You can find this file at the root (./Makefile)
. This file contains a bunch of commands for better automation.
Note that you will always have to be at the root of the application to execute the Makefile commands.
Build #
To build the solution,
make build
Once that’s done, let’s start up the API server.
make start

As you can see from the logs, a couple of operations happen as soon as you launch the application. Let me give a brief idea on what happens when you run the application for the very first time.
- The Migrations that already come out-of-the-box with the application gets applied. Note that you do not have to manually update the database using code.
- Being a Multitenant solution, the Application is programmed to seed a default Tenant named
, that is basically the super-admin of the entire application and has permissions to manage tenants. - Once Tenant record is seeded, the tenant admin , roles and permissions are also seeded. Note that the default credentials for the root tenant admin are as follows.
"email":"[email protected]",
- The Connection String that you provided in the appSettings will be taken as the
Tenant’s Connection. Note that all the tenant data will be stored on to this connection under the Tenants table.