
Exploring fullstackhero's Blazor WebAssembly Boilerplate.

Here are some of the general components, features and pages that you get to see in fullstackhero’s Blazor WebAssembly Boilerplate.

Loading Screen

The following is the dedault loading screen of the template.

You can tweak around the appearance by modifying \src\Client\wwwroot\index.html.

Basic Layout

By default, the boilerplate sports an ADMIN Dashboard template that is mostly used for Management of Entities.

Side Menu


Theme Manager

fullstackhero’s Blazor WebAssembly Boilerplate comes with a built-in theme manager that helps you customize various UI aspects right from primary colors to the radius of the containers with ease. You can view the Theme Manager component by clicking on the Paint Icon that you would see on every page of the boilerplate.

Note that each of the configuration changes you make get stored to your browser’s localstorage.

Dark Mode

Easily Switch to Dark / Light Mode with a toggle that you find on the theme manager!


Here you get to set the Primary and Secondary colors used by the Blazor Application and personalize the already rich UI Boilerplate.

Not finding the color that you need? You can easily add new colors to this pallete by changing some code!

In the below screenshot you can find the default 12 colors defined in code.

Border Radius

The Adjustable Slider helps you manipulate the Borders of the UI components.

Table Customization

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